Note: in this case I declined all potential technical problems (like troubles with api/server/specific service/infrastructure/button/whatever) from the start because generally that checks firstly.

What the problem are we solving and why?

Problem description

What value could we give to business/users?

The Value

What is behind the problem?

I supposed how the main problem could be decomposed on the smaller ones.

User research

UX of the Driver app

The lack of understanding values (or actual lack of values) for carriers and their drivers

Not effective process implementation InstaFreight solutions for carriers

What are we going to do to solve the problem?

The solution - Incentive program for drivers

How will we measure success?


Design (full)

Tech decomposition (hypothetical)

Note: Generally, I decompose with the team after all discussions and challenges, but in the email with case study was the hint “Prepare at least one one example ticket - can be for one minor feature only” and I decided to show it like this.
